Thursday 9 April 2015

Twitter Up In Flames

Twitter was intended for people to share their activities and thoughts with friends and possibly the world. Over the years, our society and the way people think have changed immensely. People have begun to think that it is okay to shame celebrities over social networking just because they are indeed celebrities and that their thoughts and comments wouldn't even reach or even effect them in any way. Personally, I don't understand why people feel the need to shame others they barely know for a purpose of simply self satisfaction or even just boredom.

It has come to the point where people have no issue shaming others through a computer screen, although no words are said if there is a real, live, personal interaction that requires verbal comebacks. Words are just words ultimately, but they do hurt. I don't like the fact that people can say so much on the internet but nothing in person, really afraid to show or speak their minds knowing they have been shaming others. Although social networks and Twitter especially were made for speaking our minds, it has come to the point where the thoughts kept up in our mind have crossed a border that has just come across and aggressive and ruthless.

People may think it is impossible to change the minds of nations and millions of people, but yes, every revolution starts with one. I think that more people need to realize that this attempt and use of social networks is very passive aggressive, and honestly, rude comments hurt. Whether it's somebody you're very close with or a complete stranger displaying their very personal thoughts of you for the world to see, they hurt and there isn't anything that changes that. A message of this specifically needs to get across the world to know that we are not here to judge or criticize others on things that are not needed. Very cliche, I know, but it's true. That goes for celebrities and just regular people living normal lives. Nobody deserves to be hurt over a screen.

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